Saturday, February 28

Bundle of Joy

This little dog is Maggie Mae. She is ray of sunshine, a non-stop runabout, jumping and playing and ba-ruffing all day long. You can't help but smile and play when she is around. Everyone could use a little Maggie in their life! (the background has been smudged to keep the focus on Maggs)

Friday, February 27

Summer Sunset and Winter Frost

The skies in Alberta really can be amazing, as you can see with the reds, oranges and yellows that wrap around the farm equipment.
While winter is my least favorite of the seasons, frosted trees are one of the most beautiful things in the world.

Dewy Flowers from the Garden

Flowers in the garden following a couple-days-long rain and thunder marathon in the Fall of '07. These photos haven't been photoshopped, but they turned out beautifully. The new bud a promise for a beautiful future, the glistening dew clinging to the leaf gorgeous in the sun, and the white blossom looks like a skirted angel or fairy hovering amidst the morning dewdrops.

Big Nosed Curiosity

This is Neera. She is lovely, energetic, and a shedder to the core. She leaves big piles of hair all over the house as she skids across the hardwood floors and clamours around corners, joyfully tearing after the littlest dogs. Her nose, is ALWAYS, in whatever her mammas are up to.

Sunlit Lotus

I signed on as Lotus's adoptive mamma when S and I moved in together. She is the kind of cat that nobody else could love. Testy, loud, and very opinionated, she fits in well in our house, and we love her to bits!