One of the things on my list of 100 things to do was to grow a wildflower garden. Though it is small, it is wonderful, here are a few snippets of what grew this summer (supervised by Maggie), I was so excited when all the buds started to open!
My bachelor buttons are too tall, and they don't know how to stand up on their own! I'm constantly poking them back into the upright positions... slouchers!!
These pretty sunflowers are from my friendly neighbourhood chickadees and sparrows being all willy-nilly with their feeding, spilling seeds in the dirt under the tree!
The centre of the sunflowers are full of little stars, which I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't have my nose stuck right in it!
Beautiful, bright colors that I can spend all day staring at!
Every time I see it, I marvel that I just put the seeds in the dirt, watered it, and this beautiful crazy garden popped on up... I love it!