Saturday, September 26

3:52 - This Week in Pictures (Sept 19 - 25)

This week has been wonderful and fun with my little project. As of yet I'm still no better at taking the pictures earlier in the day (to avoid the midnight photo posting!), but I'm enjoying the whole process a lot more. I'm finding myself really drawn to photographing nature, but I'm also trying to think outside the proverbial box so I don't get bored with my own pictures. This is what I got this week...

I was painting today, trying to use watercolours for the first time. I heard it was difficult but thought back to finger painting with the kindergarten kids and thought I could take a go at it. I wasn’t painting for the heck of it I guess, I was actually making wrapping paper for a birthday gift! By the time I had finished the paper looked like it had been painted by a 7-year old, but hey - I was happy! *Note to self... must add “learn to paint with watercolours” to the list of things to do...

Today there was a Harvest Festival at the Ukrainian Folk Village, and we decided to drive up for the day and see what we could find (me, I was thinking about the perogies and borscht, yum!). Out for a walk of the main part of the town we came across this beautiful church. You can see the whole thing in my other photos, but I really wanted to focus on the sun shining down from above... something about the play of light really drew me to the church.

I had a hard time choosing a picture for this day, so I put this one here too. The clouds in the background, the colours of the church contrasted against the beautiful blues in the sky, the lines between the fence and the church, it was just really pretty (so you get a bonus shot here!).

Ok, so it's not the most artistic of photos, I know. However, this little photo-project of mine is meant to be a bit like a journal too, time to catch a second of something wonderful going on in my life! Tonight I spent the latter part of my evening making halloween cards. I love card making, it really makes my heart happy. This, kindergarteny-tho-it-may-be, is a small piece of wonderful in my life!

I am not a fan of Autumn. I like the word, “autumn, autumn, autumn,” the way it rolls off the tongue... the unlikely cosiness of the ‘m’ next to the ‘n.’I do not like the way the season serves as the signal fire that marks the end of summer and the oncoming cold and slowdown of winter. I like winter least of all things in life, and anything that tolls the bell for it just makes me sad. Despite my dislike of the season, I couldn't pass up this beautiful field with the sun high on the sky, sunspots blinking on the camera lens... I admit reluctantly that Autumn is indeed beautiful.

On a night where I feel like all of my energy has been sucked dry, when I would really rather be doing anything but taking a picture, anything but keeping my promise to myself, anything but try to find something beautiful around me, I was drawn in by this ugly little fairy and her star of Faith. Faith. In me. Faith. In Life. Faith. Just faith.

Lovey really likes to have her toes painted, and she almost always likes me to put little stickers on them too (which I think look totally cute). Autumn may be taking over, but there’s a little bit of summer is always welcome to stick around for awhile longer. And in everything they are, I think butterflies really are beautiful.

I love these cute little pigs. They travelled a long way to be here, sent over to Mom from Korea. I was playin’ around with them and then noticed the contrast of the giggles vs. this one angry little pig, and thought it was adorable. The one in back left looks like he just threw something at little angry pig, naughty naughty (and cute)!

Hope you enjoyed my week this week, I'm looking forward to seeing you back again next week!!  S.


  1. love the light in the clouds... and love the waterpaints. and love that you paint like a 7 year old... isn't that the best way to paint???

  2. Haha daffa, yep, it's the only way it's fun! As soon as I try to paint like a 'grown up' (or draw for that matter) it just starts to feel like work... yay for 7-year olds!!


Here's a coffee... grabba chair and tell me what you think!