Saturday, October 24

Week 7:52 of a Year in Pictures (Oct 17-23)

This week I honestly haven't put as much time, energy and thought into my pictures, which has been a bit of a disappointment to me. It's not as much fun, of course, when my fun little project becomes a burden, so AtTiTuDe ChAnGe TiMe!!  I am going to try to take more time for myself in this coming week, as well as make a serious attempt to do something nice for myself so I can drag myself into this hole I've been digging. Maybe there's a massage in my near future... :)

Isn't it incredible that despite nearly all of the rest of the plant in this part of the garden dying, this beautiful bloom still sits there pretty and red? I think (gasp!) that I'm coming to appreciate some things about Autumn through this little picture project... who would have guessed?! :)

The wonderful 'garden gang' at work already has pumpkins carved up for Halloween. Normally, I'm not a fan of having things up for the the holidays way far ahead of time, but it's really nice to see patients get excited and smile about something as simple and small as a little jack-o-lantern in the garden. Thanks, gang!

I was very grateful the day I took this photo that it was raining, instead of snowing. I love to try and take pictures of water drops, raindrops, dewdrops, alottadrops. My favorite is when I manage to catch a fantastic reflection, but I didn't get it here... I still like the drops tho!

Tuesday 20 - Angel en Guarde

This little angel hangs in the kitchen window. You know how sometimes you really need an angel hanging around, just a little extra assurance that things are going to be okay? Today, this is that angel.

This heart hangs on the front door. It looks identical to the one that used to hang on my classroom door at my last teaching job in Korea, Lovely Class, beautiful. And for Daffa, it's always a little better with a few hearts kickin' around!!  :)

Why do you supposed people keep dead flowers like this? Is it because they were so pretty when they were alive you just don't want to let go of the beauty? Is it because they're so pretty, in a different way when they're dead, and it feels a shame to throw them away? Is it an attempt to hold on to the beauty of the moment they were given or received? I really don't know...

This lovely pup is Nimma. You've met her before if you've spent any time on my page, she is a sweet (most-of-the-time) white Maltese who came over from Korea. She loves to snuggle and cuddle in soft covers, and she loves this bed. It was pretty cute when she dug herself underneath. I cut this picture out of a video where I was talking to her... she would raise her eyes up to me and just softly wag her tail a few times without moving the rest of her body... it was adorable, haha!


  1. awww... your pupeh is a cutie batootie!! loe the water drips - such a pretty colour on the branches... is it a spruce tree?? and today walking home from work i noticed a few lovely red flowers glowing through the dying plants too... sooo pretty!!

  2. Good call on the spruce, you're right, blue spruce the landscape lady says! I'm slowly learning to appreciate Fall, perhaps because I was scared into it by the early dose of winter that popped up awhile ago. I always remembered winter holding off so much longer in Korea... if only I could dream it here! Instead, I'll just dream myself there.... :)


Here's a coffee... grabba chair and tell me what you think!