Saturday, February 27

Rekindling the Creative Fires

I was talking the other day about project 365 with a couple of different friends, and I have decided to reevaluate the terms of my self-imposed contract, and begin anew from where I left off with my project. Though for most the project is a 1 photo per day dialogue, with my project I will just have to attach the warning "Enjoy, but mind the gap!" I don't want to scrap it, though I have not been working on it since November, so I have tried to figure out what put it off my list of important things. My own sorrow and unhappiness caused me to give up the things that were making me happy... as if my own unhappiness needed to draw every ounce of gladness and colour out of me until everything was a dull blue gray... enough of that now, I begin again, starting anew, rekindling the fires of my creative self. I do so while I am in a somewhat tenuous place with myself, change running rampant throughout all courses of my life. I do so knowing that I might have days where 'it's not good enough', and there may be a blank space on the wall. I do so with love and kindness for myself, that I can learn to be more gentle, to broaden my expectations, and expand my horizons and learn from my creative mistakes. I know that art and creativity always bring me heaps of joy, happiness and excitement, I'm ready to have some of those things back in my life again!

As well, on the burner for sometime in March, I got the most amazing photography book for Christmas called "Visual Poetry," by Chris Orwig. It's a book I already adore for it's passion and instruction and pages of hopefulness. It's my plan to start a project (weekly? monthly?) whose length of time may depend on the difficulty at hand, but I plan to undertake a study of each chapter, each style, each area he addresses in the book. I'm really excited about it, and I have been thinking about it since Christmas, but I have just put it off and put it off, dousing my own flames, as it were. It's about time to get that home fire burning again, so stay tuned for the continuation of what was started and stalled... soon!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a great idea... are the projects in the book?? maybe i should do that tooo....


Here's a coffee... grabba chair and tell me what you think!